The Air Handler, the Unsung Hero of Comfort

The Air Handler, the Unsung Hero of Comfort

Behind your home's cool breeze and cozy warmth lies a hardworking, often unseen hero: the air handler. These unsung champions of comfort play a crucial role in any HVAC system, quietly circulating air and ensuring optimal temperature throughout your living space. And understanding how they work can help you to make informed decisions when upgrading or replacing components of your HVAC system.

In this article, we'll cover how Air Handlers work, citing examples from two popular industry brands, Goodman and Rheem.

The Air Handler Team Trio

At the heart of any air handler lies a trio of essential components:

  • Blower: This powerful fan plays the role of the lungs, drawing air from your home's return ducts and propelling it through the system. Goodman offers a range of options, from single-stage for budget-conscious homeowners to variable-speed models for those seeking superior efficiency and noise reduction.
  • Coil: Imagine a serpentine network of tubes; the coil acts as the heat exchanger. Depending on the season and your desired temperature, refrigerant or hot water/electric elements flow through the coil, either extracting heat from the air or warming it up. Goodman coils excel in durability and heat transfer, often featuring copper construction for optimal performance.
  • Air Filter: This unsung hero is a vigilant guard, trapping dust, pollen, and other airborne contaminants ensuring that clean air circulates throughout your home. Various filter options exist that cater to different budgets and allergy sensitivities.

From Chills to Thrills: Mastering the Modes

Air handlers work hand-in-hand with other HVAC components to achieve your desired temperature, seamlessly adapting to the seasons. During cooling mode, hot air from your home is drawn into the air handler. It passes over the chilled coil, which is cooled by circulating refrigerant, effectively lowering the air temperature. This cool air is pushed back into your living space through the supply ducts, bringing a breath of refreshing relief.

In heating mode, the process reverses. For heat pump systems, the air handler draws in outdoor air, which is heated by the refrigerant. This warm air is then circulated through your home, providing a cozy embrace when the temperatures drop. In systems with a furnace, the air handler draws return air, which is heated by the furnace's burner and then distributed throughout your living space, chasing away the winter chill.

Beyond the Basics: Features that Make a Difference

While the core functions remain the same, Goodman and Rheem offer a range of features that elevate their air handler offerings:

  • Humidifiers and dehumidifiers: These optional add-ons can combat excess moisture in the summer or add moisture in the winter, ensuring optimal humidity levels for year-round comfort.
  • Soundproofing: Air handlers are often offered with sound-attenuating features, minimizing noise and creating a more peaceful environment.
  • Smart technology integration: Some models from both Goodman and Rheem can be connected to smart thermostats and home automation systems, allowing you to control your comfort from anywhere.

Choosing the Right Air Handler for Your Home

With so many options available, choosing the right air handler for your needs can be daunting. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Size and capacity: Match the air handler's capacity (measured in tons) to the square footage of your home for optimal cooling and heating performance. A unit like as this Rheem 2 ton air handler might be perfect for a moderately sized home, wheras a larger property might need a more substantial air handler like this Goodman 4 ton air handler.
  • Efficiency rating: Look for models with high SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) ratings for cooling and high AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) ratings for heating, ensuring energy savings and cost-effectiveness.
  • Features and budget: Decide which additional features are important to you and compare prices to find the best value for your money.

Budget Air Supply: Your HVAC Dream Team

No matter your air handler needs, Budget Air Supply & Equipment is your one-stop shop for the best deals and expert advice. If you're looking for a Goodman air handler or a Rheem air handler, we've got you covered. We also offer complete split systems, all-in-one package units, and mini-splits/ductless units. Our knowledgeable will help you review the options and find the perfect air handler to keep your home comfortable year-round. Plus, we guarantee the lowest prices, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.

7th Jan 2024

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